Beverly Swann, Ph.D., MA, LMFT (she/her/hers) Lic. Marriage and Family Therapist
Sessions available throughout California, Indiana, Nebraska, and British Columbia via secure video portal. Limited availability in Florida and Arizona.
Beverly offers all sessions through HIPAA-secure video portal. She resides in Bloomington, IN, and is licensed to see clients throughout the states of California, Indiana, and Nebraska. She is a registered out-of-state telehealth provider in Florida. Arizona allows telehealth providers from other states to offer service there for a limited number of hours per year.
CA - MFT47971 (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) IN - 35002098A (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) NE - 3041 (Independent Mental Health Practitioner) FL - TPMF648 (Registered Out-Of-State Telehealth Provider) AZ - Limited hours available for telehealth